
Windows Phone

  1. Open Settings
  2. Tap Email + Accounts

  3. Tap Add an account.

  4. Tap Advanced Setup.

  5. Enter your full email address and password and hit Next.

  6. Select Internet email.

  7. Fill in the fields with the following details:
    • Account name: The name you would like to use to identify the account (for personal use)
    • Your name: Your full name (This is the name that will appear with outgoing emails)
    • Incoming email server:
    • Account type: POP3

  8. Keep scrolling down and fill in the fields with the following details:
    • User name: Your full email address
    • Password: Your account password
    • Outgoing (SMTP) email server:
    • Outgoing server requires authentication: Tick
    • Use the same user name and password for sending email: Tick

  9. Click Sign in. Your Windows Phone is now configured to use your email address.
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